Αναζήτηση Tags

Συμπληρώστε λέξη ή φράση

Σύνθετη Αναζήτηση


Νέες Προσθήκες

1.    [Album of 18 original drawings in sepia, of views in Phaleron, Sunium, Aegina, Chios, Smyrna, Pergamum, etc., 1800]

2.    [Collection of 87 original sepia and water-color sketches of the Ionian Islands, dated 1839-40, and two views of Joannina, dated 1834]

3.    ABBOTT, George Frederick. A Tale of a Tour in Macedonia, Λονδίνο, Edward Arnold, 1903

4.    ADDISON, Charles Greenstreet. Damascus and Palmyra: A Journey to the East, with a Sketch of Syria, under Ibrahim Pasha, vols I-II, Λονδίνο, Richard Bentley, 1838.

5.    ALBRIZZI, Girolamo. Esatta notitia del Peloponneso, volgarmente penisola della Morea, divisa in otto provincie, Descritte Geograficamente, doue si legge l'Origine de primi habitanti, con li nomi, che diedero alle prouincie, Citt à, & altro con sue Istorie, & acquisti fatti dalla Serenissima Republica di Venetia, dall' Anno 1684, sino al di presente. Adoranto di quantità di figure in Rome. Consacrato al Serenissimo Prencipe Christiano Ernesto, Marchese di Brandemburgo…, Βενετία, Girolamo Albrizzi, MDCLXXXVII [=1687].

6.    Album zur Erinnerung an Athen, Τεργέστη, Lloyd [1860].

7.    Album zur Erinnerung an Constantinopel, Τεργέστη, Lloyd.

8.    ANDREWS, Mottram, Lieutenant Colonel. A Series of Views in Turkey and the Crimea, from The Embarcation at Gallipoli to the Fall Of Sebastopol, Λονδίνο, Thomas McLean & Co, 1856.

9.    AULDJO, John, Esq. F.G.S. Journal of a Visit to Constantinople, and some of the Greek Islands, in the Spring and Summer of 1833, Λονδίνο, Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, & Longman, 1835.

11.    BECK, Henri. Vues d’Athènes et de ses Monuments, Photographies d’Après Nature, Βερολίνο-Λονδίνο, A. Asher & Co., 1868.

12.    Bedford, Francis. The Holy Land, Egypt, Constantinople, Athens, etc. etc. A Series of Forty-Eight Photographs […] with Descriptive Text and Introduction by W.M. Thompson, Λονδίνο, Day & Son, 1866.

13.    BERESFORD, George de la Poer, Captain. Twelve Sketches in double tinted Lithography of Scenes in Southern Albania, Λονδίνο, Day and Son, [1855].

14.    BLACK, William L.R.C.S.E. Narrative of Cruises in the Mediterranean in H.M.S. “Euryalis” and “Chanticleer”, during the Greek War of Independence (1822-1826). With an Appendix on the Climate, and Meteorological and Nosological Tables. Two coloured and eighteen half-tone illustrations, Εδιμβούργο/Λονδίνο, Oliver and Boyd/Simpkin, Marshall and Co., 1900.

15.    BUSCH, Moritz, Dr. Bilder aus Griechenland, Nach der Natur gezeichnet von A. Löffler, Mit 18 Stahlstichen und 7 Holzschnitten, Τεργέστη, Julius Ohswaldt, 1870.

16.    [WALKER, Mary Adelaide. Brousse: Album historique, Κωνσταντινούπολη, 1866].

17.    [Κερκυραϊκαί ενδυμασίαι = Costumes de Corfu, Κέρκυρα, Εκδοσεις Ασπιώτη.]

18.    [Mr. Burr’s sketches: twelve tinted lithograph plates of fourteen views in Egypt, Jerusalem, Constantinople, Athens…, Λονδίνο, ca. 1840].

19.    CHARDIN, John, Sir. Des vortrefflichen Ritters Chardin des grossen Königs in Persien Hoff-Handelsmanns, Curieuse Persian- und Ost-Indische Reise-Beschreibung, Bestehend in einem ordentlichen Journal Oder Täglichen Verzeichnüß seiner in Persien und Ost-Indien über das schwartze Meer und den Cholchidem abgelegter Reisen, Erstlich vom Authore selbst in Frantzösischer Sprach beschrieben / nachgehends in die Englische; anitzo aber wegen seiner Wortreffligkeit in die Hochdeutsche übersezt / mit schönen Rupffern geziret / und nöthigem Register versehen, Λειψία, [Gleditsch, 1687].

20.    COCHRANE, George, Esq. Wanderings in Greece, vols. I-II, Λονδίνο, Henry Colburn, 1837.

21.    COOK, Henry. Recollections of a Tour in the Ionian Islands, Greece and Constantinople, Λονδίνο, Thomas M’Lean, 1853.

22.    [Album containing 77 original watercolour drawings of Greek and other Oriental costumes, ca. 1829.]

23.    Recueil des différents costumes des principaux officiers et magistrats de la Porte, et des peuples sujets de l'Empire Othoman, tels que les Grecs, les Arméniens, les Arabes, les Egyptiens, les Macédoniens, les Juifs &c. On y a joint une courte explication des usages, moeurs, costumes et religion de ces diverses nations, tirée des meilleurs auteurs, Παρίσι, chez Onfroy, [ca. 1780].

24.    MONTANI, P. Album oriental, Types et costumes, Κωνσταντινούπολη, E. Olivier.

25.    ARUNDALE, Francis. Illustrations of Jerusalem and Mount Sinai; Inclucing the most interesting Sites between Grand Cairo and Beirut, Λονδίνο, Henry Colburn, 1837.

26. [ENDERLIN, Jacob.] Der hohe Berg Olympus, von welchem zu sehen das weltberuffene vormals schöne, hitzhero durch das Wüten der Türcken sehr verwüstete..., Άουγκσμπουργκ, Jacob Enderlin, MDCLXXXVIII [=1688].

27. [ENDERLIN, Jacob.] Die Grosse Welt-beruffene in Thracien, oder, Romanien am Hellespont ligende Haupt-Stadt Bisanz, Neu Rom, Constantinopel, Oder nach Türckischer Benennung Stampol..., Άουγκσμπουργκ, Jacob Enderlin, MDCLXXXV [=1685].

28. ROCCHETTA, Don Aquilante. Peregrinatione di Terra Santa ed’altre Provincie di Don Aquilante Rocchetta, Cavaliere dek Santissimo Sepolcro..., Παλέρμο, Alfonzo dell’Isola, 1630.

29. BISANI, Alessandro. A picturesque Tour through Part of Europe, Asia, and Africa: containing many new Remarks on the Present State of Society, Remains of ancient Edifices, &c..., Λονδίνο, J. Davis, 1793.

30. BARBIE DU BOCAGE, Jean Denis. Recueil de cartes géographiques, plans, vues et médailles de l'ancienne Grèce..., Παρίσι, Chez de Bure l'aîné, MDCCLXXXVIII [=1788].
31. BARROWS, Samuel. The isles and shrines of Greece, Λονδίνο, Sampson Low, Marston & Company, 1898.

32. CUMONT, Franz / CUMONT, Eugène. Voyage d'exploration archéologique dans le Pont et la Petite Arménie, Βρυξέλλες, 1906.

33. DESCHAMPS, Emile. Au pays d’Aphrodite. Chypre, carnet d’un voyageur, Ouvrage contenant quatre-vingts illustrations d'après des photographies, Παρίσι, Hachette, 1898.

34. ALEXANDER, James Edward. Travels to the Seat of War in the East, through Russia and the Crimea in 1829..., τ. Ι-ΙΙ, Λονδίνο, Henry Colburn and Richard Bentley, 1830.

35. EWALD, Mrs. Jerusalem and The Holy Land. Being a Collection of Lithographic Views and Native Costumes from Drawings Taken on the Spot, Λονδίνο, 1854.

36. DODWELL, Edward. Views in Greece, Λονδίνο, Rodwell and Martin, 1821.

37. DUCLOT, Dominique Nöel Joseph. En Crète. Ouvrage orné de 2 cartes et de 10 photogravures hors texte, Μπορντό / Παρίσι, Feret & Fils / Librairies Associés, 1898.

38. LACHAISE. Costumes de l'Empire turc, avec des notes explicatives; Vues de Constantinople, des Dardanelles et de Smyrne, prises en 1817, 1818, 1819, 1820, Παρίσι, Pélicier, Janet et Cotelle, MDCCCXXI [=1821].

39. LACHAISE. Costumes de l'Empire turc, avec des notes explicatives; Vues de Constantinople, des Dardanelles et de Smyrne, prises en 1817, 1818, 1819, 1820, Παρίσι, Pélicier, Janet et Cotelle, MDCCCXXI [=1821].

40. ELLIS, Tristram. Twelve Etchings of the Principal Views & Places of Interest in Cyprus, Λονδίνο, Gammon & Vaughan, 1879.

41. HORNBY, Emelia Bithynia Maceroni. Constantinople during the Crimean War, Λονδίνο, Richard Bentley, 1863.

42. Descrizione delle Due Fortezze de' Dardanelli e de' Due Castelli Nuovi dell' Ellesponto con la Veduta Incisa in Rame de' Medesimi, e del Mar di Marmoda, fino a Constantinopoli, MDCCLXX [=1770].

43. DAMER, Mary Georgiana Emma Seymour Dawson. Diary of a Tour in Greece, Turkey, Egypt, and the Holy Land, τ. Ι-ΙΙ, Λονδίνο, Henry Colburn, 1841.

44. CORONELLI, Vincenzo. Archipelago, [Βενετία, ca. 1707].

45. AVELOT, Henri. Croquis de Grèce et de Turquie, 1896-1897, Autour de l’Archipel, Τουρ, Alfred Mamé et fils, MDCCCCXIX [=1899].

46. BARKER, Henry Aston / BURFORD, Robert. Description of the View of Athens, and surrounding Country; Now exhibiting in Henry Aston Barker and John Burford's Panorama, Strand, with an improved Explanation..., Λονδίνο, Jas, Adlard and Sons, 1818.

47. BARKER, Henry Aston / BURFORD, Robert. Description of the View of the City of Constantinople, with its european and asiatic Suburbs, now exhibiting at the Panorama, Strand..., Λονδίνο, Jas, Adlard and Sons, 1830.

48. BARKER, Henry Aston / BURFORD, Robert. Description of the Island and City of Corfu, with Part of the Coast of Greece, Epirus, and the Suliote Chain of Mountains, in the Distance..., Λονδίνο, Adlard, 1822.

49. BARKER, Henry Aston / BURFORD, Robert. Description of a View of the Ruins of the City of Pompeii, and surrounding Country, Now exhibiting in the Panorama, Strand; Painted from Drawings taken of the Spiot by Mr. Burford, Λονδίνο, Adlard, 1824.

50. BURFORD, Robert. Description of a View of the Battle of Navarin, Now exhibiting at the Panorama, Strand.., Λονδίνο, Adlard, 1828.

51. BURFORD, Robert, A Description of a View of Jerusalem, now exhibiting at the Panorama, Leicester Square, Λονδίνο 1835].

52. ANDERSON, John George Clark. A Journey of Exploration in Pontus, [Βρυξέλλες, Polleunis et Ceuterick, 1903.]

53. [Album des ruines de Chio à la suite des tremblements de terre du 22/3 avril 1881.]

54. BORY DE SAINT-VINCENT, J.B.G.M. Relation du voyage de la Commission Scientifique de Morée dans le Péloponnèse, les Cyclades et L’Attique, τ. Ι-II, Στρασβούργο, Levrault, 1836.

55. CASSAS, Louis François. Voyage pittoresque et historique de l’Istrie et Dalmatie, Παρίσι, Vilain, X-MDCCCII [=1802].

56. PREZIOSI, Amedeo. Collection of 113 original watercolor drawings of Turkish costume and street-scences, many are signed by the artist, and a few dated [1852-1857], τ. I-II.